My last post was in 2013. I deleted some of the posts but kept a couple.
Honestly, I was not interested in blogging at the time of my last post. I was not sure how many people would be interested in reading anything written by me.
I no longer do wedding photography and that makes me a little sad.
My last wedding, I photographed, was in December 2018, in Townsend, Tn.
My health took a nose dive after the wedding. I wound up in the hospital two days after that and I have been in survival mode since then.
I landed in the Pikeville, Ky. hospital about 6 months later.
But I am alive and I thank God for bringing me thru everything.
I am going to try this blogging again and see where it leads.
If you are interested in what is on my mind, great! If not, see ya!